Love you !!! You are so real and brave

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You have NOT jumped the shark. You are just the you...I so admire. And who has, no bullshit, changed my life. How you can transform your suffering into light for others to see by, is really..truly...a superpower. And I am so so so sorry about your Aunt...in all ways.

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Thank you for the kind words, Barbara.

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Jun 16Liked by Tara Schuster

I feel like those people that unsubscribe because "gross, self-help author but her life is still f*cked!" would unsubscribe no matter what for some other reason. Not worth the precious time we have!

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No one un-subed! Like all of my fears - largely irrational! glad to know you had my back though!!

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Jun 23Liked by Tara Schuster

Here’s to being able to recognize (& sometimes even laugh at) our irrational fears! My scariest one is that I’m gonna die a SLOW death, suffering in EVERY way for MANY years, WHILE pushing around a Target cart with all my belongings because I won’t have any money for medical care — no matter how many times my sister (who has money) tells me she won’t let this happen.

Maybe we could journal about irrational fears sometime? Learn your tips ‘n tricks for how to loosen their grip or overcome them? 🙏❤️

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Jun 19Liked by Tara Schuster

Ok, admittedly I had to look up what jump the shark meant and you did not. When I read your posts, books, Substack, whatever you create, I am not looking for an enlightened guru. You are relatable! Like Oprah level relatable! Anyone that does not try and put whip cream and sprinkles on a shit pile is great with me. Lord knows we could shed some tears together on crap events in life.

I bought lilies and peonies for myself for the first time because of you. Also, you are the catalyst for me treating myself better since your book came out! When I feel alone l look for you or open the book or rewatch your posts.

It’s wonderful that Jennifer was there for you and able to sit in that space with you. I’ve had to do that for a friend going through cancer this year and am honored to be her person and will tell you I would not have been prepared had YOU not set me on this journey of self love and care. I shed tears with you and hold you in the best healing light. Thank you from the depths of my soul, Tara. ❤️

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Thank you for your kind words and THANK THE LORD you bought yourself the lilies! And the peonies!

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Jun 18Liked by Tara Schuster

Tara, you don’t know me, but you’ve been a source of positivity for me. Stumbled upon you randomly on Instagram. Luck? Divine push? Algorithm? Who knows why, but here I am and I know I’m better with you being in my life. I’ve been trying to write more, read more and love my life more. The way you write, speaks to me is in a way that others writers haven’t.

You are an incredible person for the way you share and the way you share it. I’ve had shitty family drama that I’ve run away from. Shit that pulls me back in and fucks me up some more. In the end, I look to the things that give me comfort. Like you mentioned, depending on the situation, that one friend who you know can handle the shit that is going on in your life. Even if you don’t feel it now, know this, there’re a lot of us here that love you for you. Unconditionally! If you ever need it, my pinkie is always here for you to hold.

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wow, this brought tears to my eyes. thank you, friend. thank you for letting me know my words resonate with you and that you've got my back too. i'm so grateful whatever it is brought us together!

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Yes! Yes! Yes!

So many truths here!

Thank you.

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